livejournal (?) ,
#Dec 25, 2009 / 11:27 PM
afterthoughts ,
TUESDAY: Prefects' ChaletTook MRT, then bus with Jasmine.
It was a long journey of about an hour plus. (in total)
& it's scary when you're reaching because you'll see all the weird places,
like the military air base (?), etcetc.
So we reached there early and had nothing to do.
Then went out to Tampines Mall with Daryl, XK, Shawn.
(they wanted to fetch AiLing)
Walked around a bit, then went back to the chalet.
More people then, and the food was here.
We thought it was bbq.
Turns out, we had kfc & pizza. (bbq was the next day -.-)
FX came later and didn't have a chance to catch up with her.
(left with Jasmine soon as she came)
& that's it.
It was more of a Sec3 Prefects' Chalet. :X
(I feel like I'm typing boring facts and recollection,
because I want to fill up this post. :X)
WEDNESDAYWent to GMS(P) with Germin, Alson & Nat's brother to work.
Yes, to work, by helping to sell the Primary School books.
They now have a lot of new (& redundant) books.
Knocked off at around 3pm and earned $28;
in cheque.
I thought it was in cash! ):
Anyway, went to Bugis with Germin & Alson,
supposedly to watch 'New Moon' (bleagh),
but I had something on later so they didn't want to watch without me. :D
(awww. Actually, it's because there were no other suitable timings.)
So.. we walked around BugisJ, only to be tempted by ice-cream.
Germin & I were super lame (& cheapskate) to be trying the different flavors.
Finally, decided on Green Tea with Red Bean & Lemon.
Nice combination. (:
Then went for dinner at the food court.
Had Korean food! (don't get me wrong, I still don't like KPop. -.-)
I saw Yihan, Meiyin & Anqi on my way home!
So happy!
THURSDAY: Band BBQMet with ZH, Rahul, Jassie, Elfa at Aljunied, then took bus to reach Roxy Square.
Eventually ended up at Parkway Parade's Banquet to have lunch.
Met Jelene there.
Lunched while discussing some band camp issues.
So excited & looking forward to it!
(not Rahul's talent night performance though. -.-)
Saw Chin, JL, Henny and... Yihan, again!
So coincidental!
Grocery (or BBQ?) shopping at Giant!
Goofed around a lot, & took the trolley with us. (where's integrity?)
We had lots of time so we shopped around PP.
Elfa, Jelene, Jassie went to the pit first.
Rahul, ZH, myself went to Fairprice to buy more things.
Who knew the way to the BBQ pit was so far away?
(we love to exaggerate!)
We were all perspiring under the hot sun when we reached!
Jassie didn't dared to touch the prawns & chicken! -.-
Jia Hui was the only one who touched the chicken. HAHA!
Had fun breaking the charcoal into smaller pieces.
(which we later realized we didn't have to)
& I changed immediately after I reached 'cause I couldn't take my smell.
My horrible sweat smell. :D
The weather was good too, with adequete wind and sun.
So after about an hour of trying to start the fire,
we figured we were too dumb to start a proper BBQ fire. -_-
Thanks to Mr Kee, who came when we were at our bleakest moment,
to bring our morale up with starting the fire on his own.
Spent my time talking, breaking charcoal, playing with ice, laughing,
making fun of people, disturbing people, not helping to start the fire,
made matters worse by killing the fire, dirtying my hands with charcoal...
(and the list goes on)
Evening came (along with more people) and food was ready!
Jiayi was hilarious; she tried to learn skating but failed horribly,
so she kept holding on to people and (not forgetting) ... screamed countless times.
But it was funny to see her almost fall. hahahaha.
Thank you Isabel, our flute junior, for coming!
(although you left quite early...)
It was disappointing to know how many of the Sec1s did not turn up.
This BBQ was partly to help the band members bond,
and you guys are not here.
& then you will complain us seniors are unfriendly, etc.
& you will start feeling that band is boring, etc.
Who's fault is it now?
You can't expect us to keep contributing.
It's like clapping hands,
it also takes two (in fact, MANY) to keep the spirit of the band going.
And I even thought that maybe this year, the band will not be separated.
So naive.
Sec1s, it's up to you to keep GMBand alive.
What a huge responsibility.
You guys can't even handle individual responsibility, let alone these big ones.
I'm still waiting though, for you to prove me wrong.
(what a stain in my beautiful post.
I hope I will look back and be thankful that these words were not wasted.)
Felt that WL's lame ethics on the anniversary was too lame,
so I went home with Jiayi.
FRIDAYWorked at the GMSP again with Alson & Nat's brother again.
(Germin had ROD matters to attend to)
Was tiring enough for me to get out of bed, let alone working with lazy people!
Wahahaha. (I sound so mean)
Grinded through work and went home to rest a bit.
At 4pm, went to MacCC to meet up with Church people for StreetE.
Supposedly, I was to play some games,
but I sat at the same corner I always do when I went to MacCC with Chin.
Was with Yihan, yet again!
We decided to share to the people there instead of going into the streets.
& it was a wise choice, BH!
Shared to some youngsters, Jeremy, Joshua, Joseph.
(JJJ! Cool people!)
Thank God for how they were willing to stay and listen.
And that they were not hostile.
Let's hope they will come for Carol Guni!
Here's some promoting!
CAROL GUNICarolling + 'Guni'(cans)-collecting = CAROL GUNI!
Our church is having an event on the 19dec2009.
(we're going to give out flyers tomorrow!)
We'll be carolling and collecting canned food from people. (door-to-door)
The canned food will go to the Salvation Army.
There will also be an MOE-certified 5hours worthed of CIP.
Come join us if you're free!
Dinner will be provided. (if you pay $6)
Don't worry, we promise good food!
Contact me if you're interested! (:What a busy week!
(Oh wait, it's not the end of the week yet. -.-)
Side-note: I'm gonna see Yihan again tomorrow and on Sunday...
Labels: i'll leave my window open; 'cause i'm too tired at night to call your name.
#Dec 11, 2009 / 9:55 PM
speechless ,
#Dec 3, 2009 / 10:48 PM
my vietnam story ,
I know you guys missed me, ahahhaha.
So here's what we've done and learnt.
Day1 (17NOV2009)Reached the airport at around 520am.Had mac for breakfast.
Bade farewell, had group photos, etc.
Did some less than 10min Duty Free shopping, then boarded the plane.
Huge plane!
Listened to songs and read "Home" on board.
Sat with Zhaorong and Keefe.
Was in group 3 with Mrs Lee, Joy, Jia Hui, Cindy, Samuel, Javier.
Onto bus 2!
The traffic there is super messy!They don't follow the traffic rules, or lights.
There are lots of motorbikes there & little traffic lights.
I suspect that there's no VQS. (:
Reminds me of Taiwan!
Just that it's much hotter in Vietnam.
It's an organized mess.
Visited the Cangio/Mangroves.We saw real prop & kneed roots.
The mangrove there is very rich.
We went on a speed boat.
The wind on our skin was amazing.
Mangrove Planting got everyone dirty.In the mud, it was slimy & slippery.
It had a 'sinking feeling'.
Occasionally, there would young seedlings poking onto our feet.
We were all given 5 seedlings to plant.
Freak Bitch YC threw mudballs at me!
Just when I was super clean. (with my $200 glasses)
Some other people threw at me too. Losers. -.-
I was beautifully dirty, bitch. (beautiful and dirty, rich)
Mudfought with YC until Mr Quek shouted at us.
He kind of said something like this:
"If you don't stop playing, you won't get to go to the market on Saturday!"
You're just jealous that nobody played with you.
Took the 'shortcut' to shore, in which the mudwater level was much higher.
So everyone was mud-ed!
There's hardwork needed to conserve the environment.
Exercises like this may seem minute, but they go a long way.
By the way, the whole mangrove there is man-made.
Imagine the labour!
The Guerilla Base was in the mangrove swamps!So ingenious!
Life in the mangroves.
The VietCongs literally live there! (they're prolly good swimmers)
& they eat crocodile.
Fresh water?
They collect rainwater to store for the hotter seasons, cool eh!
Signed in a momento-book for the Vietnamese there.
Cangio Resort was our first hotel resort.Awesome food!
I love cauliflower!
The night time there is super scary.
They have very bad lighting.
This plus the rustling of leaves made it spookier.
It was just like the Kampong!
Day2 (18NOV2009)Primary School visit in the morning!Super cute kids there!
I was almost 2 times their height! (:
Played many games there, toured the school.
For some reason,
it reminded me of "Tomoyo" in "Totto-Chan: The Girl By The Window".
Gave the kids some presents.
They're so easily satisfied & so simple.
So very disciplined too.
I love the countryside!
Indeed, simplicity (or ignorance) is bliss.
Had a discussion with the VietCong veteran.He talked to us in Vietnamese. (but we didn't understand :X)
He kept touching Jia Hui!
I think he loves her.
Learnt many things!
Dinner was with a traditional performance at some restaurant.Awesome food.
Super high class there.
The waiters and waitresses had very good service.
Keefe was obssessed with the 2 artists.
Mrs Lee taught us the art of the serving spoon again. (:
Day3 (19NOV2009)Went to the Notre Dame Cathedral first.It was built by the french during their occupation.
It promoted Catholicism.
At the post office there, we bought souvenirs.
I loved the art there.
There were students seated on the floor.
They seemed to be sketching a building.
So cool right?
If only I could be like them!
This helped me to understand the fine arts so much more.
Next was the Palace/Museum.Saw tanks & planes left by the Americans during the war.
The whole building was huge and conserved well.
(It's nicer than the Istana! :X)
The long history and amazing arts inspired me.
Lunch was vegetarian pho for me.(pho is pronounched as fur; some kind of rice noodles)
It was where Bill Clinton ate when he went to Vietnam!
Then we went to the War Remnants Museum.Lots of photos of the war.
Some were a little scary and gory.
Agent Orange's (some chemical the Americans used) effect was seen.
There were deformed children.
Did some shopping.
I felt injust for them; they were so innocent.
The VietCongs have an amazing resilient attribute.
Cu Chi Tunnel was the next stop.We saw simple tools that were used to dug the tunnel.
Inside was packed, dark & super hot.
There were many ways which would make me lose my way,
if I made a wrong turn anywhere.
Ingenious boobie traps too.
It is amazing how the tunnel was built without modern technology.
Dinner was on a cruise!Had good seafood and a good time with Miss Johnson.
We were so jealous that we couldn't cruise!
It was a little too rushed though, and the food came very fast.
A long day!
Day4 (20NOV2009)Early morning, went to the Rice fields.We learnt the different techniques to plant the different types of rice.
We could either scatter seeds or grow them into seedlings first.
When shedding, some rice grains are lost.
However, the farmers will let their chickens & ducks eat up the remainder.
So clever, huh?
This taught me not to waste food, especially rice grains!
There was this saying that every bowl of rice is a bowl of sweat.
How very true.
Went to the honey-making/candy-making place next.Saw the bees and the honeycomb.
Taste honey-lime tea & some tidbits.
Saw the making of coconut candies!
The Mekong River was next.The river was messy with all the livelihood.
That included fishing, tourism, farming, transportation.
Fertile soil (alluvium silt) were transported by boats as work.
The river flows through Myanmar (Bumur), Cambodia, Thailand, China,
Laos, Vietnam.
We took the sanpan which we could help to canoe.
I love canoeing/dragon-boating!
The river used to have crocodiles!
The Vietnamese put "eyes" under the boats, & it successfully scared them off.
It was simple, yet complicated.
It was messy, yet organized.
We then watched a traditional Vietnam Water Puppet Show.Understood some Vietnamese music and culture.
The show was about agriculture like farming, fishing, etc.
It also portrayed patriotism.
& they had this wooden flute! :D
They're culture seemed somewhat similar to the Chinese's.
Also, the female artist's dress looks like a hanbok. (Korean's traditional dress)
The toilet was called Happy Bush or Happy House.EUPHEMISM!
Day5 (21NOV2009)The most boring day!
Visited the VSIP (Vietnam-Singapore Industrial Park).We saw shoe-making, a secondary industry.
It helped to show us Vietnam & Singapore's friendship.
Didn't go to the Saigon Square due to some reasons.Ben Thanh Market made up for the shopping though.The market was super big.
It was just like a Night Market, just that it's in the morning.
The things there are cheap too!
Bought many souvenirs.
It was quite hot too.
Photos (I)Photos (II)So that was my Vietnam story!
Kind of lame eh?
We all had lots and lots of fun!
Especially the bonding and rediscovering of old frienships; what a gem!
Throughout the 4days, we all became very good friends with the teachers.
It was through the bus rides & dinner times.
Who knew they could be so cool too!
Something really bad happened though, on the 4th day.
We did something very wrong, and our friendships with the teachers died.
I'm very disappointed, just as they are.
I guess there's really a consequence to everything done.
So naive were we to have thought of getting away scott-free.
Maybe we will never be as close as before, but we are thankful.
At least I am.
Thankful that you all are truely great teachers,
not afraid to teach us integrity.
Sure that came with a price, but it was worthwhile.
Perhaps we will not understand it now,
but in the future, we will look back and say a 'thank you'.
I love, and still do, the teachers.
Mrs Lee, Miss Johnson, Mdm Chua.
They probably won't see this, but who cares.
Thank you.
How will we cope with the awkwardness in school?
by Lady Gaga
Last time I thought we have this talk
Boy, you were getting ready to leave
I thought, baby you were done
'Cause for a while, you could barely look at me.
This time I thought that we'd be fine
That I'd forget the things that you said
I tried crossing out your words
But baby, you cannot forget the past
Cannot forget the past
Still baby
I’m so unpredictable
you don’t know what to think
So unemotional
wonder if I’m even still in love, you see
I don’t know what to tell you now
Its always harder the second time around
I'm so unpredictable
Just like you used to be
So unemotional
Boy, I can't forget the way you were with me
I don’t know what to tell you now
Its always harder the second time around
The second time around
We tried going back to Joe’s
That always was our favourite place
Long rides, baby, by the coast
Do you remember where we stayed?
Last time we were hanging out
You were acting kind of strange
Now it’s the second time around
I’m sorry, now, it’s me that feels this way
Its me that feels this way, babe
I know you are the one that is hurt
I’m so unpredictable
you don’t know what to think
So unemotional
wonder if I’m even still in love, you see
I don’t know what to tell you now
Its always harder the second time around
I'm so unpredictable
Just like you used to be
So unemotional
Boy, I can't forget the way you were with me
I don’t know what to tell you now
Its always harder the second time around
I'm not sure the best way to say this
But I can’t pretend to love you no more, babe
This ferris wheel's got me crazy
Maybe the second time around is not meant for us, baby
Not mean for us baby, yeah!
I’m so unpredictable
you don’t know what to think
So unemotional
wonder if I’m even still in love, you see
I don’t know what to tell you now
Its always harder the second time around
I'm so unpredictable
Just like you used to be
So unemotional
Boy, I can't forget the way you were with me
I don’t know what to tell you now
Its always harder the second time around
I’m so unpredictable
you don’t know what to think
So unemotional
wonder if I’m even still in love, you see
I don’t know what to tell you now
Its always harder the second time around
I'm so unpredictable
Just like you used to be
So unemotional
Boy, I can't forget the way you were with me
I don’t know what to tell you now
Its always harder the second time around
Labels: a bowl of rice; a bowl of sweat.
#Nov 23, 2009 / 8:55 PM
vietnam ,
NYP attachment with School of Business!Day 1 was the ultimate bore.
We listened to people talk all day.
Tour guide, Calvin & Atricia, brought us around NYP's campus.
Quite a big place, but I don't like it.
The architecture and design of the school is BORING!
Day 2 was okay.
We did lots of shopping!
Was attached to NYP's Value Shop.
They have this Teaching Enterprise Programme (TEP).
It means that the students will kind of be working for the school.
So they will experience the outisde world.
(PS: They have no pay! EEK.)
And this will determine their grades, so it's quite easy to score too.
Day 3, today, was okay too.
Mystery shopping!
Basically, we have to do a survey while being a shopper at the shop.
So we just have to act like a shopper.
Or, BE the shopper.
Anyways, it was super lame.
We spent the whole day on it but only shopped for 20min.
Leastways, we were allowed to use com during the lecture.
That's poly life for you.
The School of Life Sciences was so much more interesting.
They made ice-cream, lotion and even extract DNA.
Ours is so pathetic.
And what about my School of Design, huh? -.-
BIG ANYWAYS, I'll be flying in about 8hours time.
Going to
Be jealous, and miss me!
Might consider getting souvenirs.
So gonna make YC lose her iTouch. (She's actioning with it! grr...)
Sean's not gonna let me sleep.
People in SG whom I will miss.
So much to occupy me there.
Hope that I will have a good & enriching trip.
See you guys soon!
PS: Looking forward to New Year Countdown with you guys! woohoo!
Labels: i don't want to think anymore; i left my hand and my heart on the dance floor.
#Nov 16, 2009 / 11:21 PM
friendship ,
Everyday, one person says to another, "how are you doing?"
But what are they really trying to say?
Personal response is one thing, but when one person is trying to say something as simple as, "hello", or "how are you", they are probably trying to express deeper feelings about one another.
Like a kid on a school yard, the pressure to tell that special girl that he would like to spend more time with her;
it is difficult, so what we say is, "how are you".
It's hard to express our feelings, so we try to let others guess,
through minute things, hoping that that someone would notice.
So, "how are you" actually means "I want to talk to you".
What it is, I believe, is friendship.
If only it were all so simple.
If only all shyness were rid.
Wouldn't that be easier?
To just go up to your friend and give him/her a hug,
isn't it better than hinting something else to him/her?
One who does something for nothing out of the kindness of one's heart,
that's a display of friendship.
That is the most important thing you can have in life, people to turn to when you have a problem and need support.
Trustworthy friendship is a valuable thing.
Problems do occur within friendships, sometimes, deeper then you could think of, but when you can go up to that person,
and talk to them about what it is thats bothering you,
that is true friendship.
by anonymous
Misconception on life is a dream,
departed along this reality stream.
Fire of devious laughs of death,
life is not as what it may seem.
My friend, you have shown me the way,
the sun filled sky and the timeless day.
If only you could know the feelings i had;
but sadly the timing of deaths toll to pay.
I was lost, then I was found
in a bind that seemed to go round.
Now, I am lost without your light.
You still lay there without a sound.
Our time together was great,
as if opening the heavenly gate.
Now, you will return to this grace
because of untimely fate.
My time comes and I'm gone,
but you still linger around me.
Death seperates us, but please remember this:
the time we had will be cherished with bliss.
Labels: so my night will soon turn to dawn; and I will lose another night's sleep.
#Nov 15, 2009 / 12:20 AM
Happy (?),
Much has happened this week with me going through "low"s.
Thursday was spent with me thinking a lot.
Many thoughts went through my mind.
I thought of why my brother should use the computer and not myself.
Then I thought of why he deserved to use the computer more than me.
After all, I had better results than him, and I studied so much harder.
Why is it so unfair?
This led me to think about deeper things, like my family.
Somehow I feel that it's so biased. (my parents)
Why is it so that they kind of love him more than me?
I don't know what to think of my dad.
He's always not around, he's always not supportive of me.
It's like, everything I do, he doesn't like.
Even my dreams, my ambitions, my future have to be from him.
Aren't they MY dreams and future?
I told him I like art, so he asked me to go into architecture.
But, hey, that's not what I want.
Sure that architecture is cool and interesting, but it's not me.
I'm more about design and fine arts.
He just doesn't understand.
Perhaps many of you face this too?
Our parents just like to impose their ideas on us.
It's like they were unable to fulfill their dreams, so they want us to do it.
But that's not what we want, please understand.
And for my day to day, I always face it without my family.
Sure that my brother is around, but is he really?
All he does is play computer all day.
Mind you, he even forgets dinner. (He went to buy food at 10:30 today)
And he's already 15.
Yet he's so immature, so narrow-minded.
How can I relate to someone completely opposite of me?
We've been through the same, (maybe his experience is worse)
but we're so different.
I guess that's like everything else, nothing will be the same.
There's still so much more that I will not reveal.
So I am alone.
But independent.
That's me.
My experiences have shaped me into this.
These walls that protect my inner fragility.
I'm on my own.
I thought.
I was already having kind of a breakdown so I smsed Han & Yin for help.
(How ironic that it's my siblings-in-Christ that spur me on instead of my brother?)
Thank God for Yin's verse.
Thank God for getting Han to talk to me.
They really made me feel so much better.
They reminded me on how to love my family.
And Han rebuked me yet again, reminding me that,
''Comparisons are easily done once we've had a taste of Perfection''.
Isn't this so true?
Why must we always compare ourselves with others?
You think someone else's family is better?
You're wrong.
Every family has their own problems. (there's this chinese proverb?)
How selfish was I to have only thought of myself.
It's always me, myself and I.
What about others?
So I learnt again to let go and let God.
Which made me feel so much better.
And I'm never alone because God is always with me.
(and with you too!)
by Leona Lewis
Someone once told me that you have to choose
What you win or lose
You can't have everything
Don't you take chances
Might feel the pain
Don't you love in vain
Cause love won't set you free
I could stand by the side
And watch this life pass me by
So unhappy
But safe as could be
So what if it hurts me?
So what if I break down?
So what if this world just throws me off the edge
My feet run out of ground
I gotta find my place
I wanna hear myself
Don't care about all the pain in front of me
Cause I'm just trying to be happy, yeah
Just wanna be happy, yeah
Holding on tightly
Just can't let it go
Just trying to play my role
Slowly disappear, ohh
All these days I feel like they're the same
Just different faces, different names
Get me outta here
I can't stand by your side, ohh no
Watch this life pass me by, pass me by
So what if it hurts me?
So what if I break down?
So what if this world just throws me off the edge
My feet run out of ground
I gotta find my place
I wanna hear myself
Don't care about all the pain in front of me
Cause I'm just trying to be happy, ohh, happy, ohh
So any turns that I can't see
Like I'm a stranger on this road
But don't say victim
Don't say anything
So what if it hurts me?
So what if I break down?
So what if this world just throws me off the edge
My feet run out of ground
I gotta find my place
I wanna hear myself
Don't care about all the pain in front of me
I just wanna be happy
Ohh, yeah, happy, ohh, happy
I just wanna be, ohh
I just wanna be happy
Ohh, happy
Labels: i gotta find my place; i wanna hear myself.
#Nov 7, 2009 / 11:53 PM
untouchable ,
I haven't blogged for a long long time, but I'm back!
Before you start to throw things at me, let me do some justice for myself.
It all started when my dad complained to me about the expensive bills for the internet.
That's because my house had 2 modems.
1 for myself, 1 for my brother, fair enough?
Not for my dad.
He wanted us to share 1 modem.
(which is clearly not possible, since the modem can only be linked to 1 com)
So he 'fixed' up the router.
And after much time spent, both computers had internet.
The next day, my com can't access the internet.
So, I gave up trying after a while.
Thus, I was left 'internet-less' for weeks.
But recently, my bro sort of 'gave' the access to my computer.
I thought, "YAY! Finally."
But the worst was yet to come.
So I came home the next day, thinking how nice it would be to update my blog.
And there he was, using the computer.
Playing his dota.
So that's his real motive. (his laptop doesn't have dota)
That's why I still can't use the com anyway.
I have to wait till he thinks he's enough, then I will take over.
(and for today's case, I had to wait till he went downstairs to buy food)
Grow up? You're 15 already.
BIG ANYWAY, I'm here!
I've missed out on many things to blog about.
So.. I shall just post 'current affairs',
and let you read others' blog for previous exciting events.
It's post-school curriculum now, but we(sec3s)'re having extended lessons.
I guess this is good since our results are not good.
(and that 'O' levels are next year)
And the whole of sec2s and 3s moved up by one level.
But in our case, we moved 2 levels.
So it's from level 4 to level 6.
Some flight of stairs, but we're fine.
The only problem is during recess when we have to go down to the canteen.
Thanks, Miss Ho, for making us want to bring our own food.
How's your results, people?
Mine's not to expectation.
No distinction, how can I be satisfied?
But it seems true that only the results that I put in extra effort, I do well in them.
(no wonder my math's results are horrible!)
It's okay.
F32 shall work hard to at least be on level ground with F31.
Let's work hard together!
(& show Miss Ho that we are the most capable batch)
My holiday schedule: super packed!
Let's see what I have.
- Extended lessons
- CCA (Band)
- Leadership Training
- Vietnam's Humanities Trip
- Student Council meetings (should have)
Seems very little, but it's a lot!
God be with me so that my time spent will be wise!
And that was just what I would as an extra curriculum of the school.
What about my own personal time?
I've so much to accomplish in such a short time!
My To-Do(s):
- Write my short story/novel (halfway through Chapter II)
- Write songs
- Prepare some artwork (for admission to Lasalle, maybe?)
- Read and read and read (good novels/articles/newspaper/whatever)
- Improve my English & Literature some more (by reading)
- Improve my Maths (both)
- Build up my foundation for my Sciences
- Master my SS
- Prepare my Geography notes
- Pick up a sport (running, probably?)
You think that's it?
Don't forget hanging out with my friends.
There are 2 great albums coming out!
Taylor Swift's re-release of Fearless (Platinum Edition)

Lady Gaga's re-release of The Fame, The Fame Monster

They're great singer-songwriters.
They're releasing new albums so soon after their already successful albums.
Mind you, those songs are still topping the charts!
They're new songs are still as addictive.
Okay, whatever.
I know you guys are not interested anyway. HAHA.
Well, I'm doing some publicity. (as if it's still not enough)
Forget it. -.-
Seoul. Garden. Is. Very. Addictive.
I had it twice in 2 weeks.
I'm sorry that I'm so deprived.
I'm just so amazed at how fun it is!
And the food there is so nice too,
but it's so unhealthy?
No wonder my throat feels so horrible now. :X
Someone shared to me this phrase, and I think it's so true.
There is wisdom in hindsight.
It means to say that when you look back at the past,
that's when and where you get wisdom.
It seems that we humans are really fools.
See, we will only learn from something after we experience it,
after we experience it's hardship and pain.
No wonder there's another saying.
Once bitten, twice shy.
And sometimes, we don't even learn after the second time.
We are really the silliest creatures.
To counter this, we always have people tell us their experience.
This is so that we will learn from them, the 'guinea pigs'.
But it seems that even after their 'talks', we won't learn.
Must we really be the fools instead of learning from the other fools?
Let's hope not.
Let us have "wisdom in sight". (:
Labels: untouchable; burning brighter than the sun.
#Nov 3, 2009 / 9:09 PM
home ,

Home seemed far away, but now it's in my heart.The perfect home? I'm jealous.Yes, I stayed home today.
Yes, I somewhat pon school.
Stayed home to study.
Although I did play some, but overall, I was studying.
Was studying Geography & SS.
Now, I finally understand how people can study for hours straight.
Time really flies when you're concentrating on studying.
Was pretty worried about my SS until after tuition.
Thanks to my tutor, I'm feeling quite confident for my SS.
It seemed quite easy to score after he showed me the fundamentals.
I'm worrying for my Math now.
I guess I can pass AMath because of the numerous practises in class,
but EMath is questionable.
I find myself stuck at those very simple kind of questions.
Also, EMath P2 has all those weird problem solving questions, so frustrating.
Let's hope I can brush up my EMath enough to score for P1. (:
English & Chinese exams are both over.
I have high prospects (of passing) for my Chinese,
but I'm not so confident with my English (Comprehension).
It might even be a problem to get a B4, let alone an A2 or A1.
It's only after I advanced into Upper Sec that I have problems with my English.
Then, I realized not to be complacent.
Sigh. It seems I'm not really that excellent after all.
Somewhat, I blame Mr Singh.
The way he teaches writing is really mechanical.
He breaks it down into such mechanical steps for us to follow,
& keeps emphasizing on this: "It's a language paper."
(I bet everyone in the class can quote this by now.)
Come on.
My love/mood for writing is totally killed whenever I see him.
I write in my usual way, he barely passes me.
I try to shorten my essay, he also barely passes me.
I know (so does he) that I have a good grasp of my language,
but it seems that whatever I write, he just rebukes me.
Really, he doesn't know the art of writing.
Such a way of expressing ourselves, totally reduced to nothing in his hands.
So I'm quite happy that he will not (I truely hope!) mark our P1s.
"Wealth" was my pick.
Let's see if I really am a good writer. :/
School seemed quite mundane that everyone is not fooling around anymore.
Everyone is studying and listening attentively,
not wanting to lose out on any point the teacher makes.
It's really quite boring to go on for hours without some hoo-hah.
I used to dislike such disturbances last time.
I always liked to just space out at my corner of the classroom,
reading yet another one of those awesome novels.
But I kind of miss that now.
Maybe it was a form of security for me, that I'm not alone.
It seems that absence does make the heart grow fonder.
Let's hope post-exams will reunite the class again.
Yes, I know it's still early to think of post-exams.
Not quite, though.
Think about it.
Exams will be over just next Wednesday.
That's quite fast eh, did you notice?
Like I said in facebook, it will be all over too soon.
So let's all work hard for this last lap of the year.
(sadly, there's still the big O's to come)
Anyway, God be with all of you throughout this exam period!PS: I just revived my blog. Yay!
Labels: home seemed far away; but now it's in my heart.
#Oct 6, 2009 / 10:02 PM
joyful ,
I just had a vision.
A scene of tomorrow in school.
Here goes...
P.E. will be with lots of people asking, "Study le maaaa?"
Or SOME people will be skipping P.E. to study. (:
Chapel will be about diligence, etc, again.
Amidst eating during recess, words like "Studying? Want study? Let's mug?"
will be heard throughout the canteen.
Lessons thereafter, you'll suddenly see everyone quiet and paying attention.
Else, they'll be doing some other subject's revision.
All because... EOYExams are just weeks away!
& it only started to dawn upon me recently.
Oh well, I thank God for today's holiday.
& I'm proud to say that I've been studying Geography and Chemistry.
Adam has started studying.
Guys, watch out. HURHUR.
Here's what I've NOT done.
Damn, I've yet to complete 'The Time Traveler's Wife',
my novel's Chapter I is still half-done,
my Student Council T-Shirt design is also half-done,
I still have more to study.
On a side note, I watched VMAs 2009 today.
(It was my resttime!)
I'm happy for Taylor Swift (back off Kanye) who won best female video. (:
Beyonce & Lady Gaga both won 3 moonmen each.
Only anti-climax was Green day.
They won best rock video.
C'mon, Paramore was so much better.
So this week is another tough week for me.
Let's see what's on my list.
1. Study
2. and Study
3. and Study.
How excruciating.
Oh well, it's gonna be all over soon, like it always does.
Bad point: Last day of school, this year, is 30th October.
(that's 1week more than last year!)
God bless everyone and myself whom are doing last minute revision.
(Yes, if you only started studying now, IT IS LAST MINUTE!)
& for the rest who have yet to start studying, prepare to die. (:
PS: I created a Twitter account!
twitterLabels: maybe two is better than one.
#Sep 21, 2009 / 10:06 PM